Pablo Picasso

Have you ever see this painting? Or maybe this one? How do you feel about those paintings? Maybe those paintings seem to be weird or maybe some of you think that they are ugly. The first one is called as " Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and the second painting is called as "The Three Dancers". Those are cubism paintings. Cubism is an early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting and it was made of simple geometric shapes. Pablo Picasso is the pioneer of cubism. Pablo Picasso was born in 1881, Spain. On his journey, he became one of the greatest and most influential artist of 20th century. When he was 13 years old, he was taught by his father. After that he continued his painting lesson at the School of Fine Art in Barcelona. When his family moved to Madrid, he attended the Royal Academy of San Fernando. He was an extraordinary student but unfortunately he never finished his school. He became frustrated about the scho...